Showing posts with label You Need To Know This. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Need To Know This. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

H1N1 in University Malaysia Sabah

Since last week, University Malaysia Sabah had one confirm case of H1N1. However, this does not bring UMS to the state of temporary shutting down for a week or two like what had been happen for other university in West Malaysia. I got no idea whether the decision of not shutting down is a good or bad. From a point of view of student, we all hope that we can have extra holiday which will also give us a better guarantee for not infected by H1N1. Seem the UMS decide not shutting down, we can do nothing but to accept the consequences.

Anyway I’m not going to talk much about the decision but to show what action have been taken after the decision is made. Seem the student who had been infected is from my faculty, the basic precaution step is being taken. Today, we are given free mask to wear. Of course every one of us went to take it no matter us willing to wear or not. Maybe we all know the seriousness of H1N1, we are all very cooperate with this action taken by the faculty. From the picture, you can see that all of us wearing the mask provided. Please ignore the unorganized lecture room in the picture, it is not the main point. We have already got used to study under this environment

H1N1 does not affect our study mood

Recently most of my friend fall sick continually, this really make me worry for myself. Well, I hope that this H1N1 can leave our ground as fast as possible. Although it bring extra holiday to us but it is not the holiday we really wish for. Here by I hope all of you took care of your personal hygiene and remember to look for doctor if you found that you have any similar symptom of H1N1. Take Care!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Moonwalker,Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is one of the most famous stars in the world. It can be said that every people in the world know him regardless of their age (of course not a new born baby) or from which country. Unfortunately he had passed away and left everything he created as a history. It is shocking news for me, when hear from radio news that he had pass away.

I got nothing much to talk about him seem you can Google for his profile easily. Seem Michael Jackson is famous and everybody knows him, but how you know this name? As for me, I can’t remember which year but I know him since I’m a kid. However, I don’t know that he is such a famous singer and dancer that create dozens of record. This is because I know him when I play a SEGA game call “Moon Walker”. Michael is the main character in the game fighting with bad guys. The greatest skill he had in that game is his dance. You use the skill, then all the bad guys will follow Michael dancing then they will be killing in the end of the dance. Although during that time the SEGA graphic is not as good as now but the way the Michael in the game dance is very nice.

I still have the game with me now but it is play with PC where an emulator is needed. A nice game to play but I can’t run it now with window vista. I wonder how many people have tried this game before? Well, this is the way I know the name Michael Jackson. After the knowing him from the game, then I start to listen to his song which is “Beat It”, “Smooth Criminal” and “ Billy Jean” where it is played in the game too.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

AirAsia..Delay!!Free Change Flight?

What is the thing flash through your mind when you heard the name AirAsia? Yes, certainly it is “Now Everyone Can Fly”. No doubt that AirAsia really fulfill the dream of us that like to travel with it low cost tickets.

Besides the slogan “Now Everyone Can Fly”, the next thing that flashes through my mind is that the frequent delay of flight. This is what that always annoys us especially they announce the delay while you are waiting for boarding. But there’s nothing we can do because we already waiting in the airport and we have bought a low fair tickets.

I want to share one of my experiences here with AirAsia about the delay of flight. Sometime, AirAsia will sms you a week or few weeks earlier to inform their delay of flight. If this happen to you, you are lucky because you don’t need to wait in the airport for few hours. But have you ever face the situation that the delay of time causes you some inconvenient or miss some important meeting?

Here I want to tell all of you that you can change the flight time or even claim back your ticket if the delay causes some inconvenient t to you. For my experience, I use to call the AirAsia customer service to change my flight time free of charge. I don’t know whether there any charges if you change your flight online, but if you call to change your flight time and stat out the reason is due to the delay, you will not need to pay any extra charge even if the cost of the tickets is higher than the one you currently bought.

This is reasonable because the delay cause us inconvenient. Although no extra fee needed if you call the AirAsia customer service but you still need to pay for your phone bill. Anyway that is still worth because it won’t cost you much.

Will maybe many of you already know bout this but I still want to share it with all of you.

**I don’t know that whether if change our flight time online due to the delay of flight need to pay extra fees. So if anybody ever try and it is free of charge, do tell me by leaving your comment so that next time I can even save up my phone cost. Thanks!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

RM625 rebate..How will you spend?

What is the biggest news for yesterday in Malaysia?

Yes, government giving petrol's rebate through Post Office Malaysia.

Still remember the scene happened on the day before our Malaysia petrol price increase?

Again, the scene of queuing appeared. But this time there is a bit different because we are now standing and not sitting inside our car with air-con like before.And this happen at Post Office Malaysia,not in Petrol station anymore.

It was just like getting signature from Jay Chow.

After we got the rebate…It seem like everything back to normal…Petrol price goes back to RM1.92 per liter. NO inflation happen…Really a happy day.

So how will you manage your RM625 cash?

Firstly and most importantly is to fill up your fuel tank.

Next, with the remaining cash go for a N95.

Not enough? Then how about just get a Nokia 5300 lo!

After that, go and have a good meal with freinds or family. Seafood, I like it….

Coming up will be some night activity…yeah!

The next morning….

There’s no more left...

All the memories of petrol price increase and inflation coming back.

So, how will you manage you money? Good managing and hardworking will bring you more wealth.

Poor managing skill will only bring you burden.

So think before you spend! Be a wise consumer!Enjoy your rebate…


So,it is a wise decision for giving cash rebate?
In this modern era, do we still need to queue to get rebate? For sure that our government got all our detail so why don't they just post the cheque to our house just like how the post us SAMAN letter?
Well,maybe they want to show that they really care for us by making this issue on headline of every newspaper…sigh..

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Malaysia Boleh!

Twinkling in the sky is a diamond star of 10 billion trillion trillion carats, astronomers have discovered.
The cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallized carbon, 4,000 km across, some 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus.
It's the compressed heart of an old star that was once bright like our Sun but has since faded and shrunk.
Astronomers have decided to call the star "Lucy" after the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. (Source from BBC News)

The largest diamond on Earth, the 546-carat Golden Jubilee which was cut from a stone brought out of the Premier mine in South Africa was nothing compare to “Lucy” with 10 billion trillion trillion carats or a 1 followed by 34 zeros. Imagine that the amount of diamond that as big as our sun. This is the wealth that is forever. Hence whichever country who owns the star will be the richest country in earth.

So you know what?It’s time to show our spirit of “Malaysia Boleh”. What say if there is country success in developing a shuttle or a rocket that can travel as far as 50 light years, our government should pay them for a ticket to “Lucy” and bring some wealth back to our country. Wakaka, this project will be much more meaningful compare to the one eating “Roti Canai” on the moon. Just kidding!

Well, all this will be just a dream because 50 light year is too far. Although for sure that we human can do that but don’t know how many ten years will it take from now. Anyway hope that “Malaysia Boleh” can really bring us Malaysian to “Lucy” with a shuttle or rocket with Malaysia flag on it and made in Malaysia. GO FOR IT, MALAYSIA!!!


This is new! Dress up a car with plastic baggy but not steel. How will it look like?

The new BMW Gina was cover up in fabric. Not just like the fabric roof sport car we use to see but is the whole body cover with fabric. And take a look at the head light. It will only visible when you need it. Just like our human eyes. For the rear light,it is hidden behind the fabric but will light up and shine through when you hit the brake.As for the front hood,it open vertically just like a surgical incision.Wow, fascinating…Enjoy the video enclose.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Most Expensive Coffee in the World

For some of you this might no a new news for you but still I post it to share with all of you. This is the most expensive coffee in the world known as “kopi Luwak”. It cost you bout $50 a cup. Wow, I have to save up for few days if I want to try a cup of it. However I didn’t have a single thought of trying it not due to the price but the process of produce this type of coffee bean.

Let me tell you how this Most Expensive coffee bean is obtained. It is made from coffee beans eaten, partly digested and then excreted by the palm civet, which known as “Luwak” in Indonesia. Yiiiiak.. So if you want to try this coffee, you not just need to prepare $50 but you also need to have the courage. For me, I just can’t accept or don’t have the courage to taste things that produce from animal’s “dum dum” stuff.

However this “kopi Luwak” is still valuable due to the special and nice smell. Besides, it only produce 500 pound each year.It look perfectly nice in its packages.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Minister walking into our life!!!

Picture from New Straits Times

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad boards the KLIA Transit at the Kuala Lumpur Sentral station yesterday to go to his office in Putrajaya.
Shahrir, who has heard numerous complaints over the poor state of the public transport system, decided to experience it for a day.The complaints ranged from expensive parking fees at commercial areas to confusion over the lack of information provided by bus companies. However, Shahrir said the fee charged by Express Rail Link (ERL) on the KLIA Transit to either Putrajaya or the Kuala Lumpur International Airport was reasonable. "A single ticket to Putrajaya costs RM9.50 and a return ticket costs RM15. Considering Putrajaya is about 30km from the city, the fare is reasonable," he said. (From New Straits Times)

Now our Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad know how inconvenient for the public Transport in west Malaysia.I wonder what will be his oppinion if he come to experience the public transport in East Malaysia.Hope Malaysia's Public Transport Sistem can be improve as soon as possible.